1869 resultaten gevonden

  • The use of renewable energy avoids the use of fossil energy and as a consequence avoids emission of CO2. Renewable energy is energy from wind, hydro power, the sun, the earth, heat from outdoor air and biomass. This is energy from natural processes that is replenished constantly. Figures are presented in an absolute way, as well as related to the total emission of carbon dioxide in the Netherland…

    • Status:

    • Delen en hergebruik:

      Publiek CC-BY (4.0) 0
    • Data eigenaar:

      Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek
  • This table contains the number of victims of suicide arranged by marital status, method, motives, age and sex. They represent the number deaths by suicide in the resident population of the Netherlands. The figures in this table are equal to the suicide figures in the causes of death statistics, because they are based on the same files. The causes of death statistics do not contain information on …

    • Status:

    • Delen en hergebruik:

      Publiek CC-BY (4.0) 0
    • Data eigenaar:

      Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek
  • This table contains the number of persons died as a result of murder or manslaughter, where the crime scene is located in the Netherlands. The victims can be residents or non-residents of the Netherlands. The data can be split by location of the crime, method, age and sex. The criterion is the date of death, the date of the criminal act can be in the previous year. Since 2013 Statistics Netherland…

    • Status:

    • Delen en hergebruik:

      Publiek CC-BY (4.0) 0
    • Data eigenaar:

      Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek
  • Fixed capital formation by groups of provinces, province and COROP region. This table concerns regional figures on fixed capital formation (gross) by type of capital good. The regional figures are in accordance with the national accounts, figures on gross fixed capital formation from production and imports (so, excluding sales of existing assets). The new Standard Industrial Classification 2008 (…

    • Status:

    • Delen en hergebruik:

      Publiek CC-BY (4.0) 0
    • Data eigenaar:

      Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek
  • Fixed capital formation by groups of provinces, province and COROP region. This table concerns regional figures on gross fixed capital formation (on an owner basis) by industry. The regional figures are in accordance with the national accounts, figures on gross fixed capital formation from production and imports (so, excluding sales of existing assets). The new Standard Industrial Classification…

    • Status:

    • Delen en hergebruik:

      Publiek CC-BY (4.0) 0
    • Data eigenaar:

      Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek
  • This table gives an overview of expenditure on regular education within the Netherlands. The government finances schools, colleges and universities. It pays for research which is done by universities on its behalf. Furthermore it provides student grants and loans, allowances for school costs, provisions for students with a disability and child care allowances as well as subsidies to companies an…

    • Status:

    • Delen en hergebruik:

      Publiek CC-BY (4.0) 0
    • Data eigenaar:

      Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek
  • This table gives an overview of government expenditure on regular education in the Netherlands since 1900. All figures presented have been calculated according to the standardised definitions of the OECD. Government expenditure on education consists of expenditure by central and local government on education institutions and education. The government finances schools, colleges and universities. I…

    • Status:

    • Delen en hergebruik:

      Publiek CC-BY (4.0) 0
    • Data eigenaar:

      Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek
  • This table contains figures on the liabilities of public corporations for a given year. Only public corporations that have liabilities of economically significant amounts are included; liabilities are economically significant when they are larger than 0.01% of GDP. The liabilities consist of the following debt instruments: deposits, debt securities (short- and long-term) and loans (short- and long…

    • Status:

    • Delen en hergebruik:

      Publiek CC-BY (4.0) 0
    • Data eigenaar:

      Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek
  • This table concerns jobs of foreign-born employees within the age range of 18 up to 74 years. A distinction is made between employees who are registered as a resident in the Dutch population register (BRP; formerly known as the GBA) and those not registered as a resident in the BRP. Furthermore, the table can be broken down into origin background, gender, age, hourly wage class, employment contrac…

    • Status:

    • Delen en hergebruik:

      Publiek CC-BY (4.0) 0
    • Data eigenaar:

      Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek
  • The most important key figures about population, households, population growth, births, deaths, migration, marriages, marriage dissolutions and change of nationality of the Dutch population. CBS is in transition towards a new classification of the population by origin. Greater emphasis is now placed on where a person was born, aside from where that person’s parents were born. The term ‘migrat…

    • Status:

    • Delen en hergebruik:

      Publiek CC-BY (4.0) 0
    • Data eigenaar:

      Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek