216 resultaten gevonden
This table comprises information about livestock manure production and production of nitrogen and phosphate in manure. It also includes data on excreted nitrogen that evaporates as ammonia and other nitrogen compounds or is removed as rinsing water from air scrubbers. The use of nitrogen and phosphate in agricultural holdings is calculated from the manure production and the difference between supp…
This table contains figures on the actual air emissions in the Netherlands, generated by road traffic and including emissions by foreign vehicles. In addition, the derived average emissions per vehicle kilometre are given. These are expressed in grams of emissions per driven kilometre and are also called fleet emission factors. The figures in this table cover exhaust emissions from the combustio…
This table contains information about the Dutch production of renewable electricity, the number of installations used and the installed capacity of these installations. During production, a distinction is made between normalised gross production and non-standard gross and net production without normalisation. Production of electricity is shown in million kilowatt hours and as a percentage of tota…
This table expresses the use of renewable energy as gross final consumption of energy. Figures are presented in an absolute way, as well as related to the total energy use in the Netherlands. The total gross final energy consumption in the Netherlands (the denominator used to calculate the percentage of renewable energy per ‘Energy sources and techniques’) can be found in the table as ‘Total…
The use of renewable energy avoids the use of fossil energy and as a consequence avoids emission of CO2. Renewable energy is energy from wind, hydro power, the sun, the earth, heat from outdoor air and biomass. This is energy from natural processes that is replenished constantly. Figures are presented in an absolute way, as well as related to the total emission of carbon dioxide in the Netherland…
This table shows the production of electricity, the input of fuels, and the use of installations, in the Netherlands. Electricity is obtained by the transformation of fuels such as natural gas, hard coal and fuel oil; solar and wind energy; and the use of hydro power. The figures are on the production of electricity, the heat released, fuel input, renewable energy commodities and installed capacit…
Municipal waste; quantities
Amount of municipal waste collected by or on behalf of municipalities in the Netherlands. Amount of waste by type of waste, province, municipal size class and degree of urbanisation. Statistical information on waste treatment. Municipalities that collectively manage waste collection centres (milieustraat), assign the waste flows to participating municipalities based on the proportion of inhabitan…
This table provides information on the quantity and composition of waste that is generated during post-separation of mixed household waste that has been collected by municipalities and delivered to a post-separation facility. Municipalities receive these figures from a waste processor, who often processes the waste of multiple municipalities. Thus they report the composition to municipalities. Fig…
This table contains data at regional level on the number of persons employed on agricultural holdings, the corresponding annual work units (AWUs) and the number of holdings with workers. The figures in this table are derived from the agricultural census. Data collection for the agricultural census is part of a combined data collection for a.o. agricultural policy use and enforcement of the manure…
This table contains data on land use, arable farming, horticulture, grassland, grazing livestock and housed animals, at regional level, by general farm type. The figures in this table are derived from the agricultural census. Data collection for the agricultural census is part of a combined data collection for a.o. agricultural policy use and enforcement of the manure law. Regional breakdown is …