920 resultaten gevonden
This table contains figures on the emissions in the Netherlands by mobile sources. These are actual emissions in or above the Netherlands and on the continental shelf (see paragraph 2). Mobile source emissions are caused by the combustion of motor fuels, the evaporation of fuel and load residues (VOC), wear of tyres, brake linings and road surfaces (PM10), and the wear of railway overhead contact …
This table contains figures on the emissions in the Netherlands by mobile sources. These are actual emissions in or above the Netherlands and on the continental shelf (see paragraph 2). Mobile source emissions are caused by the combustion of motor fuels, the evaporation of fuel and load residues (VOC), wear of tyres, brake linings and road surfaces (PM10), and the wear of railway overhead contact …
This table contains figures on the emissions in the Netherlands by mobile sources. These are actual emissions in or above the Netherlands and on the continental shelf (see paragraph 2). Mobile source emissions are caused by the combustion of motor fuels, the evaporation of fuel and load residues (VOC), wear of tyres, brake linings and road surfaces (PM10), and the wear of railway overhead contact …
This table contains figures on the emissions in the Netherlands by mobile sources. These are actual emissions in or above the Netherlands and on the continental shelf (see paragraph 2). Mobile source emissions are caused by the combustion of motor fuels, the evaporation of fuel and load residues (VOC), wear of tyres, brake linings and road surfaces (PM10), and the wear of railway overhead contact …
This table contains figures on the emissions in the Netherlands by mobile sources. These are actual emissions in or above the Netherlands and on the continental shelf (see paragraph 2). Mobile source emissions are caused by the combustion of motor fuels, the evaporation of fuel and load residues (VOC), wear of tyres, brake linings and road surfaces (PM10), and the wear of railway overhead contact …
This table contains figures on the emissions in the Netherlands by mobile sources. These are actual emissions in or above the Netherlands and on the continental shelf (see paragraph 2). Mobile source emissions are caused by the combustion of motor fuels, the evaporation of fuel and load residues (VOC), wear of tyres, brake linings and road surfaces (PM10), and the wear of railway overhead contact …
This table contains figures on the emissions in the Netherlands by mobile sources. These are actual emissions in or above the Netherlands and on the continental shelf (see paragraph 2). Mobile source emissions are caused by the combustion of motor fuels, the evaporation of fuel and load residues (VOC), wear of tyres, brake linings and road surfaces (PM10), and the wear of railway overhead contact …
Deze tabel bevat gegevens over de omvang van het motorvoertuigenpark per provincie (woon-/vestigingsprovincie van de eigenaar van het voertuig), uitgesplitst naar personenauto's en motorfietsen (per 1000 inwoners) en bedrijfsvoertuigen (naar type), exclusief bromfietsen. De cijfers zijn gebaseerd op de kentekenregistratie van RDW. Met behulp van deze registratie zijn tellingen gemaakt van alle voe…
Deze tabel bevat gegevens over het bezit van bromfietsen, snorfietsen en brommobielen volgens de stand op 1 januari van elk jaar. De tabel is exclusief alle overige voertuigen met een geldig bromfietskenteken, zoals bromfiets-quads, bakbromfietsen en 3-wielige brommers. De gegevens zijn gebaseerd op informatie uit het kentekenregister van de RDW. Sinds 1 september 2005 is kentekenregistratie voor…
Deze tabel bevat gegevens over het aantal wegvoertuigen op de stand op 1 januari, uitgesplitst naar voertuigtype (personenauto's, bedrijfsvoertuigen, motorfietsen en bromfietsen) en naar regionale indelingen (postcode, gemeente en provincie). Bovendien zijn extra locatiekenmerken opgenomen met informatie om de afzonderlijke postcodes te kunnen relateren aan andere regionale indelingen (zoals…