1869 results found

  • This table contains figures of the Regional accounts. Regional accounts are consistent with National accounts, except for differences due to rounding, and also with Eurostat's European System of National and Regional Accounts 2010 (ESA 2010). The new Standard Industrial Classification 2008 (SIC 2008) is used in the National and Regional Accounts of the Netherlands. This code is based on the Europ…

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      Public CC-BY (4.0) 0
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      Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek
  • Regional accounts give a description of the volume of the economic process in the various regions of a country consistent with national accounts. Elements in the economic process distinguished in national accounts are production, distribution of income, spending and financing. Regional accounts focus on the description of the production processes in the various regions. Data available from: 1995 …

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      Public CC-BY (4.0) 0
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      Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek
  • This table presents the outcomes of the Dutch growth accounts. The growth accounts show the contributions of the different production factors to the economic growth. This helps to determine which part of production growth is explained by a change in input of capital (K), labour (L), energy (E), materials (M) or services (S). The results of the growth accounts also show the contribution of multi-f…

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      Public CC-BY (4.0) 0
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      Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek
  • This table shows the production of electricity, the input of fuels, and the use of installations, in the Netherlands. Electricity is obtained by the transformation of fuels such as natural gas, hard coal and fuel oil; solar and wind energy; and the use of hydro power. The figures are on the production of electricity, the heat released, fuel input, renewable energy commodities and installed capacit…

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      Public CC-BY (4.0) 0
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      Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek
  • This table contains figures on the expenditures and per task (policy area) according to region and size (in number of inhabitants) in millions of euros and in euros per inhabitant. The presented figures are based on data that adhere to the definitions and classifications that municipalities themselves use in their administration. These data are supplied to Statistics Netherlands through the questi…

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      Public CC-BY (4.0) 0
    • Data owner:

      Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek
  • This table concerns the realised income of part of municipal levies in millions of euros and in euros per inhabitant. Here the municipalities have been divided into regions by their geographical location and the number of inhabitants. The presented figures only contain data that adhere to the definitions and classifications that municipalities themselves use in their administration, as laid down i…

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      Public CC-BY (4.0) 0
    • Data owner:

      Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek
  • This table contains figures on balance sheet items from municipalities by size class and region at year-end. The figures are stated in millions of euros as well as in euros per inhabitant. The figures presented in the table are based on balance sheet positions that are in line with the definitions and classifications used by the municipalities themselves in their administration. This data is supp…

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      Public CC-BY (4.0) 0
    • Data owner:

      Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek
  • This table contains figures on balance sheet items from local intergovernmental organisations in millions of euros. The figures presented in the table are based on balance sheet positions that are in line with the definitions and classifications used by the local intergovernmental organisations themselves in their administration and are presented at year-end. This data is supplied to Statistics Ne…

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      Public CC-BY (4.0) 0
    • Data owner:

      Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek
  • This table contains figures on balance sheet items from local intergovernmental organisations in millions of euros. The figures presented in the table are based on balance sheet positions that are in line with the definitions and classifications used by the local intergovernmental organisations themselves in their administration and are presented at year-end. This data is supplied to Statistics Ne…

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      Public CC-BY (4.0) 0
    • Data owner:

      Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek
  • This table contains figures regarding the personnel and the expenditure related to in-house Research and Development (R&D) activities that are conducted with own or external personnel. The figures are provided for the following sectors: businesses institutions institutes of higher education The R&D activities are conducted in-house by own or external personnel in the Netherlands. Outsource…

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      Public CC-BY (4.0) 0
    • Data owner:

      Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek