1869 results found
This table presents the Consumer price index (CPI) with reference year 1900 = 100. This index series is an estimation and has been constructed by multiplying the year-on-year mutations of several index series from different reference periods with the overlapping index from the previous reference period. The index shows the price change of the goods and services purchased by an average Dutch househ…
This table covers the financial data (such as operating expenses and revenues) and employment of companies in the Netherlands controlled by an institutional unit abroad. The data are consistent with Eurostat's Foreign Affiliates Statistics (FATS). Data available from: 2021. Status of the figures: 2021 and 2022 figures are final. Changes as of Februari 10, 2025: The figures for R&D expenditur…
This table contains figures on the actual air emissions in the Netherlands, generated by road traffic and including emissions by foreign vehicles. In addition, the derived average emissions per vehicle kilometre are given. These are expressed in grams of emissions per driven kilometre and are also called fleet emission factors. The figures in this table cover exhaust emissions from the combustio…
This table concerns the budgeted income of municipal levies in thousands of euros and in euros per inhabitant per municipality. The presented figures only contain data that adhere to the definitions and classifications that municipalities themselves use in their administration, as laid down in the Directive for Budgeting and Accounting for provinces and municipalities (BBV) for provinces and munic…
This table concerns the budgeted revenues of municipal levies in millions of euros and in euros per inhabitant. Here the municipalities have been divided into regions according to their geographical location and the number of inhabitants. The presented figures only contain data that adhere to the definitions and classifications that municipalities themselves use in their administration, as laid do…
This table concerns the budgeted income of part of the municipal levies in thousands of euros and in euros per inhabitant. It concerns levies that are comparable through time from the reporting year 2005 onward. The presented figures only contain data that adhere to the definitions and classifications that municipalities themselves use in their administration, as laid down in the Directive for Bud…
This table concerns the budgeted revenues of part of the municipal revenues in millions of euros and in euros per inhabitant. It concerns the levies that are comparable through time from the reporting year 2004 onwards. The presented figures only contain data that adhere to the definitions and classifications that municipalities themselves use in their administration, as laid down in the Directive…
This table provides annual figures of asylum requests and following family members (persons and procedures), by citizenship. Apart from the total number of requests and family members, the number of first requests and subsequent requests is also included. The distinction between first requests and subsequent requests cannot be made before the reference year 2007. Therefore the number of first requ…
This table contains information about the Dutch production of renewable electricity, the number of installations used and the installed capacity of these installations. During production, a distinction is made between normalised gross production and non-standard gross and net production without normalisation. Production of electricity is shown in million kilowatt hours and as a percentage of tota…
This table expresses the use of renewable energy as gross final consumption of energy. Figures are presented in an absolute way, as well as related to the total energy use in the Netherlands. The total gross final energy consumption in the Netherlands (the denominator used to calculate the percentage of renewable energy per ‘Energy sources and techniques’) can be found in the table as ‘Total…