1869 results found

  • This table contains figures on revenues, expenditures and debts of water boards as of the year 1936, in millions of euros . The figures have been collected from previously published tables on water board finances and have been based on annual realisation figures. The data presented were taken from the annual accounts and the balance sheets of the respective water boards, and match as closely as po…

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      Public CC-BY (4.0) 0
    • Data owner:

      Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek
  • This table contains figures on revenues, expenditures and debts of provinces as of the year 1900, in millions of euros. The figures have been collected from previously published tables on provincial finances and have been based on annual realisation figures. The data presented were taken from the annual accounts and the balance sheets of the respective provinces, and match as closely as possible t…

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      Public CC-BY (4.0) 0
    • Data owner:

      Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek
  • This table contains figures on the budgeted expenditures and revenues per task (policy area) by province in millions of euros and in euros per inhabitant. The figures presented are based on data that is in line with the definitions and classifications used by the provinces themselves in their administration. The presented figures are based on data that adhere to the definitions and classifications…

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      Public CC-BY (4.0) 0
    • Data owner:

      Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek
  • This table contains data on the tariffs of the water board levies. Water boards impose these levies as remuneration for their legal tasks. The most important legal tasks are flood defense, water management (ensuring the right water level for agriculture, nature, residents) and ensuring water quality. Some water boards also manage roads and waterways. The water boards impose water system levies, ro…

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      Public CC-BY (4.0) 0
    • Data owner:

      Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek
  • This table contains key data on the admitted vehicle fleet of passenger cars, motorcycles and commercial vehicles (by vehicle category and by age class of the vehicle). The figures are based on the registration numbers provided by the Dutch Road Traffic Authority (RDW). All vehicles that were registered on 1 January of each year and that were admitted on the road the previous year have been counte…

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      Public CC-BY (4.0) 0
    • Data owner:

      Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek
  • This table includes national statistics on income statements, balance sheet figures and staff of enterprises and groups of enterprises with main activity hospital care, mental residential health care, care for the disabled, nursing home care, home care, residential care for other persons and youth care. The target population consists of enterprises and groups of enterprises in the following class…

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      Public CC-BY (4.0) 0
    • Data owner:

      Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek
  • This table comprises information about livestock manure production and production of nitrogen and phosphate in manure. It also includes data on excreted nitrogen that evaporates as ammonia and other nitrogen compounds or is removed as rinsing water from air scrubbers. The use of nitrogen and phosphate in agricultural holdings is calculated from the manure production and the difference between supp…

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      Public CC-BY (4.0) 0
    • Data owner:

      Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek
  • This table contains the results for capacity, performances and attendance of organisations where professional performing arts are presented. The results are broken down by region and discipline. Data available from: 1999. Status of the figures: The figures for 2016-2022 are provisional. All other figures are final. Changes as of 18 February 2025: The provisional figures for 2023 have been add…

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      Public CC-BY (4.0) 0
    • Data owner:

      Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek
  • This table shows the average purchase price that has been paid in the reporting period for existing own homes purchased by a private individual. The average purchase price of existing own homes may differ from the price index of existing own homes. The average purchase price is no indicator for price developments of owner-occupied residential property. The average purchase price reflects the avera…

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      Public CC-BY (4.0) 0
    • Data owner:

      Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek
  • This table contains the number of deaths in the population of the Netherlands by underlying cause of death. The causes of death are shown according to the extensive list of 'three digit codes', by age and sex. Since 2013 Statistics Netherlands is using Iris software for automatic coding for cause of death. This improved the international comparison of the data. The change in coding did cause a co…

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      Public CC-BY (4.0) 0
    • Data owner:

      Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek