1911 results found
In deze tabel worden vier maatschappelijke indicatoren op regionaal niveau (regio-indeling 2023) gepresenteerd. Met de maatschappelijke indicatoren wordt geprobeerd per gemeente op hoofdlijnen een beeld te schetsen van de 'staat van de jeugd'. De informatie in deze tabel kan vervolgens worden afgezet tegen het jeugdhulpgebruik van een gemeente. Om weer te geven hoe het met de jongeren in Nederla…
This table contains figures on balance sheet items from local intergovernmental organisations in millions of euros. The figures presented in the table are based on balance sheet positions that are in line with the definitions and classifications used by the local intergovernmental organisations themselves in their administration and are presented at year-end. This data is supplied to Statistics Ne…
This table contains figures on balance sheet items from local intergovernmental organisations in millions of euros. The figures presented in the table are based on balance sheet positions that are in line with the definitions and classifications used by the local intergovernmental organisations themselves in their administration and are presented at year-end. This data is supplied to Statistics Ne…
This table contains figures on balance sheet items from local intergovernmental organisations in millions of euros. The figures presented in the table are based on balance sheet positions that are in line with the definitions and classifications used by the local intergovernmental organisations themselves in their administration and are presented at year-end. This data is supplied to Statistics Ne…
This table contains figures on balance sheet items from local intergovernmental organisations in millions of euros. The figures presented in the table are based on balance sheet positions that are in line with the definitions and classifications used by the local intergovernmental organisations themselves in their administration and are presented at year-end. This data is supplied to Statistics Ne…
This table contains figures on balance sheet items from local intergovernmental organisations in millions of euros. The figures presented in the table are based on balance sheet positions that are in line with the definitions and classifications used by the local intergovernmental organisations themselves in their administration and are presented at year-end. This data is supplied to Statistics Ne…
This table contains figures on balance sheet items from local intergovernmental organisations in millions of euros. The figures presented in the table are based on balance sheet positions that are in line with the definitions and classifications used by the local intergovernmental organisations themselves in their administration and are presented at year-end. This data is supplied to Statistics Ne…
This table contains figures on balance sheet items from local intergovernmental organisations in millions of euros. The figures presented in the table are based on balance sheet positions that are in line with the definitions and classifications used by the local intergovernmental organisations themselves in their administration and are presented at year-end. This data is supplied to Statistics Ne…
This table contains figures on balance sheet items from local intergovernmental organisations in millions of euros. The figures presented in the table are based on balance sheet positions that are in line with the definitions and classifications used by the local intergovernmental organisations themselves in their administration and are presented at year-end. This data is supplied to Statistics Ne…
This table contains figures on balance sheet items from local intergovernmental organisations in millions of euros. The figures presented in the table are based on balance sheet positions that are in line with the definitions and classifications used by the local intergovernmental organisations themselves in their administration and are presented at year-end. This data is supplied to Statistics Ne…