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This table presents information about developments in retail turnover (SIC 2008 code 47). The data is broken down in two ways. The first breakdown refers to the sales channel: shops that predominantly sell goods online and those that predominantly sell goods through other sales channels (physical shops, markets, etc.). The second breakdown refers to the main economic activity: shops that predomina…
This table presents figures on turnover and production changes in Trade and Services sector. The figures can be broken down by industry according to Statistics Netherlands' Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities 2008 (SIC 2008). The change is shown both as a percentage change compared to a previous period and through index figures with 2021 as base year. Turnover and produc…
The historical series 'Civil engineering; input price index 2000=100, since 1979' represents the trend of the costs of labour, material and equipment involved in projects in various areas of civil engineering (in Dutch: Grond-, Weg- en Waterbouw (GWW)) in the Netherlands. This series was created by linking independently calculated series from the past. At this moment, there are eight areas within …
This table shows the input price indices of the costs of labour, materials and equipment for civil engineering works (in Dutch: Grond-, weg- en waterbouw (GWW)). There are ten areas within civil engineering. These areas are based on the standard Classification Products to Activity. For each area a series is calculated based on the price developments of various cost components of which the product …
This table contains figures on the average price development of the selling prices of Dutch industrial products with base year 2021=100. The monthly price developments are shown for both domestic and foreign sales. The data is further subdivided into a number of branches by economic activity SIC2008 of Statistics Netherlands. Data available from: January 2018 Status of the figures: The figures …
This table contains figures on the average price development of the selling prices, the import prices and the domestic consumption of industrial products with a base year of 2021=100. This data is available for both domestic and foreign sales. The products are classified based on the goods classification PRODCOM (PRODuction COMmunautaire). Data available from: January 2018 Status of the figures…
This table contains key data on the admitted vehicle fleet of passenger cars, motorcycles and commercial vehicles (by vehicle category and by age class of the vehicle). The figures are based on the registration numbers provided by the Dutch Road Traffic Authority (RDW). All vehicles that were registered on 1 January of each year and that were admitted on the road the previous year have been counte…
This table includes national statistics on income statements, balance sheet figures and staff of enterprises and groups of enterprises with main activity hospital care, mental residential health care, care for the disabled, nursing home care, home care, residential care for other persons and youth care. The target population consists of enterprises and groups of enterprises in the following class…
This table shows the supply of electricity. Consumption of electricity is calculated from the supply variables. The supply of electricity primarily includes production plus imports minus exports. The majority of the electricity produced is supplied to the public electricity grid by, for example, power stations and wind turbines. A smaller part is generated by companies themselves for the benefit o…
This table shows the value (expressed in building costs) of the construction of building projects expected shortly. It also shows the value of the actually realised monthly production of building projects. The figures relate to building projects with building costs of 50 thousand euro or more. The total building costs are broken down into alteration and new buildings and in building costs by build…