902 results found
This table provides an overview of social protection expenditure in the Netherlands. Social protection encompasses all interventions from public or private bodies intended to relieve households and individuals of the burden of a defined set of risks or needs, provided that there is neither a simultaneous reciprocal nor an individual arrangement involved. This includes benefits provided by social a…
This table contains yearly figures on labour participation by position in the household for the special municipalities Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba (the Caribbean Netherlands). The population of 15 to 74 years of age (excluding the institutionalized population) is divided into the employed labour force, the unemployed labour force and those not in the labour force. The employed labour force is …
This table contains yearly figures on labour participation for the special municipalities Bonaire, St Eustatius and Saba (the Caribbean Netherlands). The population of 15 to 74 years of age (excluding the institutionalized population) is divided into the employed labour force, the unemployed labour force and those not in the labour force. The employed labour force is subdivided on the basis of the…
This table comprises yearly figures on the main aspects of employment, wages and working hours in the Netherlands. The information in this table is broken down by sex of the employee, type of employment contract, size of enterprise and classification according to Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities (SIC 2008) Data available from: 2009. Status of the figures: Figures for…
This table comprises yearly figures on the main aspects of employment, wages and working hours in the Netherlands. The information in this table is classified according to Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities (SIC 2008) and can be broken down into: employee characteristics (age and sex) job characteristics (type of employment contract and working hours) company chara…
This table comprises yearly figures on the main aspects of employment, wages and working hours in the Netherlands. The information in this table is broken down into employee characteristics (sex) job characteristics (type of employment contract, working hours, car of the company: yes or no and overtime: yes or no) classification according to Standard Industrial Classification of all Economi…
This table comprises yearly figures on the main aspects of employment, wages and working hours in the Netherlands. The information in this table is classified according to Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities (SIC 2008) and can be broken down into: employee characteristics (age and sex) job characteristics (type of employment contract, working hours company car: yes or…
This table comprises yearly figures on the main aspects of employment, wages and working hours in the Netherlands. The information in this table is classified according to Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities (SIC 2008) and can be broken down into: employee characteristics (age and sex) job characteristics (type of employment contract and working hours) company chara…
This table comprises yearly figures on the main aspects of employment, wages and working hours in the Netherlands. The information in this table is classified according to Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities (SIC 2008) and can be broken down into: employee characteristics (age and sex) job characteristics (type of employment contract and working hours) company chara…
This table comprises yearly figures on the main aspects of employment, wages and working hours in the Netherlands. The information in this table is classified according to Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities (SIC 2008) and can be broken down into: employee characteristics (age and sex) job characteristics (type of employment contract and working hours) company chara…