342 results found
This table gives an overview of the number of patent applicants and patent applications at the European Patent Office (EPO) and the Netherlands Patent Office (OCNL), a department of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO). Patents can be granted to enterprises, universities, institutions, private persons or other entities as long as the invention which they cover fulfils certain criteria. To obtai…
This table gives an overview of the number of patent applicants and patent applications at the European Patent Office (EPO) and the Netherlands Patent Office (OCNL), a department of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO). Patents can be granted to enterprises, universities, institutions, private persons or other entities as long as the invention which they cover fulfils certain criteria. To obtai…
This table contains data on the number of cattle, sheep, goats, chickens, turkeys, ducks for slaughter and pigs on Dutch agricultural holdings. The number of animals is determined on April 1st and December1st . The number of animals can differ from those in the tables of the agricultural census (see ‘links to relevant tables and relevant articles). In the agricultural census the number of ve…
This table contains annual figures on emissions of greenhouse gases and pollutants to the air in the Netherlands. The table shows the factual emissions on or above Dutch territory and the Dutch part of the Continental Shelf (NCP). This concerns the emissions expressed in kilograms of the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) and the emissions of a number of a…
This table contains annual figures on the emissions of greenhouse gases into the air in the Netherlands. This concerns the emissions of total substances in CO2 equivalent and the emissions of the individual gases: carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4) and fluorinated gases (F-gases). The emissions are broken down by climate sectors, as used within the Dutch Climate Agreement, an…
The table contains annual figures on the emissions of a number of air pollutants in the Netherlands as calculated according to the European NEC guidelines. In 2001, the European Parliament and the Council of Europe drew up a directive on national emission ceilings for cross-border air pollution. The directive is simply called the NEC directive. NEC stands for 'National Emission Ceilings'. Until 20…
Arable crops; production, region
This table provides information per crop about the cultivated and harvested area, yield per hectare and the total yield in a harvest year. The data are available on national and regional level. To obtain the crop yield, first a preliminary harvest estimate is made in August to October. This estimation is based on field visits by cultivation advisory bureau Delphy. The definite figures, which are b…
This table provides data on lifestyle of the population of the Caribbean Netherlands aged 15 years and older in private households. It comprises the following aspects of lifestyle: Smoking Use of alcohol Length, weight, people who are underweight and overweight Use of contraceptive pill These aspects are shown for the Caribbean Netherlands, and also for the islands of Bonaire, St Eustatiu…
This table contains information of the Regional accounts. Regional accounts give a description of the economic process in the regions of a country in conformity with the national accounts. Elements in the economic process distinguished in national accounts are production, distribution of income, spending and financing. Regional accounts focus on the description of the production processes in the v…
This table provides an overview of the key figures on health and care available on StatLine. All figures are taken from other tables on StatLine, either directly or through a simple conversion. In the original tables, breakdowns by characteristics of individuals or other variables are possible. The period after the year of review before data become available differs between the data series. The n…