170 results found
This table includes national statistics on income statements, balance sheet figures and staff of enterprises and groups of enterprises with main activity hospital care, mental residential health care, care for the disabled, nursing home care, home care, residential care for other persons and youth care. The target population consists of enterprises and groups of enterprises in the following class…
This table contains the number of deaths in the population of the Netherlands by underlying cause of death. The causes of death are shown according to the extensive list of 'three digit codes', by age and sex. Since 2013 Statistics Netherlands is using Iris software for automatic coding for cause of death. This improved the international comparison of the data. The change in coding did cause a co…
This table contains the number of victims of suicide arranged by marital status, method, motives, age and sex. They represent the number deaths by suicide in the resident population of the Netherlands. The figures in this table are equal to the suicide figures in the causes of death statistics, because they are based on the same files. The causes of death statistics do not contain information on …
This table contains the number of persons died as a result of murder or manslaughter, where the crime scene is located in the Netherlands. The victims can be residents or non-residents of the Netherlands. The data can be split by location of the crime, method, age and sex. The criterion is the date of death, the date of the criminal act can be in the previous year. Since 2013 Statistics Netherland…
This table contains figures on the absolute number of persons to whom in the year concerned medicines were dispensed for which the costs are reimbursed under the statutory basic medical insurance. Also, the number of dispensed defined daily doses (DDDs) are presented. The figures are also expressed as a percentage of the total population in the category concerned. The population includes everybody…
This table presents a wide variety of historical data in the field of health, lifestyle and health care. Figures on births and mortality, causes of death and the occurrence of certain infectious diseases are available from 1900, other series from later dates. In addition to self-perceived health, the table contains figures on infectious diseases, hospitalisations per diagnosis, life expectancy, l…
This table contains the number of deaths in the population of the Netherlands by underlying cause of death (short list), sex and age-group (at time of death). Since 2013 Statistics Netherlands is using Iris software for automatic coding for cause of death. This improved the international comparison of the data. The change in coding did cause a considerable shift in the statistic. Since 2013 the (…
This table contains figures on the absolute number of persons to whom in the year concerned medicines were dispensed for which the costs are reimbursed under the statutory basic medical insurance. Also, the number of dispensed defined daily doses (DDDs) are presented. The figures are also expressed as a percentage of the total population in the category concerned. The population includes everybody…
This table presents health(care) expenditure used by residents of the Netherlands in a year. Healthcare is delineated according to the international definition of the System of Health Accounts. The figures are thus internationally comparable with Eurostat, OECD and WHO publications. All healthcare activities count, regardless of whether they take place inside or outside the healthcare sector. The …
This table shows how health(care) expenditure according to the international definition and health and social care expenditure used by Statistics Netherlands are related. Financing has been chosen as the starting point. Healthcare is delineated according to the international definition of the System of Health Accounts. All healthcare activities count, regardless of whether they take place inside o…